画質 高画質

I don't think I'll gonna finish it with time orz

but chapter 1 will have even more content than the prologue

it's just, I'm a one man team drawing, checking everything from drawing errors to balloon text, to pasting the tones, DRAWING THE BACKGROUND FROM SCRATCH, and not paid

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Fakemon for a Pokemon discord contest
Bruteslang Ground/Dragon
Based on the Grootslang from South African mythology

356 2750

Digital illustrations work better if draw the background first, then draw the characters that match it (In my case) It's the opposite of the comic

67 590

Artist! Sender mau minta saran tentang background… kira kita buat art ini bagusnya backgroundnya apa ya?

0 9

white background
spring/summer casual fashion
close up upper body
dynamic angle・pose

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Away, I’d rather sail away
Like a swan that’s here and gone
A man gets tied up to the ground
He gives the world Its saddest sound


5 16

Concept art for Tasting Lightning a short series comic; Post Apoch, Action, Sci-fi, Ecchi. Chracters play a brutal game, like football ⚽️+ martial arts, while wearing high tech shoes that allow them to defy gravity. & do special moves. Games are played meters above ground

0 11

QRT with your 5 year improvement

yeah.. this one was the closest i could find from 5 yrs ago with any background at all. i genuinely hated drawing backgrounds before so i guess thats an improvement 😭 https://t.co/8h0AzHKxVz

2 28

kalo art! dominannya warna ini enaknya background warna apa yah biar bisa agak hidup t____t

1 69

Backgrounds that will never be seen in the final work
(Ew my building perspective sucks. I need to fix it

3 34

I was wondering why there's this little tag saying "L_PantsLeg"...
Nvm... it's live2d in the background popping out the labels again XD

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Art! Sender berencana bikin komis chibi gini, kira2 berapa harga pasaran chibi+background kayak gini ya?

4 131

Ground vehicles of Katskaya & Auroris 👁️

208 1749

there goes horikoshi again with a random banger furry background character

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Almost done with this piece but having a hard time with the background

361 2617

FIX Backgrownd! Now the palm tree in the background does look like neon. I have finished Kanna's entire body. I finally finished the 5 drawings.

I'll take a few days to rest and work on personal things. (🛌) XD https://t.co/cU7IrrO7nm

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