please do not make fun of me

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More than games those 4 are treasured memories.

-Like lots of french people FFVII is my first RPG.

-Grandia and SOA made me fall in childhood again because of an ambiance tasting like old 80s anime.

-Pokemon Silver was an awesome gbc game full of good ideas.

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I just wanted to be popular too (?).

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Dei preferencia aos que mais me marcaram quando kiddo

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Jumping on the bandwagon for I can tell you right now these games will always be both my top 4 for gaming and memories

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I love too many games, don’t do this to me! Anyway, these 4 games have definitely made an impact on my life.

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Games I have put (& could continue to put) many more hours into, because they’re just that enjoyable. (Inside, bc the story, art & the way it’s told is striking)

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Really tough choice!! But I love these games so dearly ;_;

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Honestly these games really had a huge impact on me during my adolescence and I really wouldn't be in the position I am today without them <3

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I thought I'd be as well jumping on this one since gaming is a large part of my life... so as for computer games...

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Some honourable mentions; Timesplitters 2, Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, Pokemon Gold, Hamtaro Rainbow Rescue, Digimon Rumble Arena 2

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Und Twilight Princess nur echt aufm Gamecube! ♥

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Last slot was harder than I expected. It was a tossup between Layton, Pokemon Sapphire and Ace Attorney

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