The Scottish ban nigheachain (little washerwoman), also known as Bean Nighe, is said to be seen washing the clothes in rivers and brooks of those doomed to die. She is a bad omen for any who see her on their travels.

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The Lady of the Cold from Tove Jansson's book 'Moominland Midwinter' (1957) brings ice and snow to Moominvalley. She is described as extremely beautiful, however if you look into her eyes she will instantly freeze you to death

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“Schwingerl voll Darm! Basket full of guts!”, Bloody Lucy cries, St Lucia's dark aspect, walking the fringes of the Bavarian Forest in the dark of Old Midwinter, now St Lucy’s Eve, disembowelling the little ones she catches, filling her schwingerl with their guts

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In Austria, St. Lucia’s Eve was a time when special danger from witchcraft was feared and averted by prayer and incense which was carried through each house and every room...


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According to Norwegian folklore, tonight is the night of Lussi, a female creature with demonic traits. Lussi rode with Åsgårdsreia, the Norwegian version of the Wild Hunt, and her job was to punish people who didn't do their Yule preparations correctly.

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“From my rotting body, flowers shall grow and I am in them, and that is eternity.”

Edvard Munch was born 1863 in Ådalsbruk

🎨 "Madonna" (1894)

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I've decided that everything rhymes with tentacles.

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Victorian Christmas cards were a bit creepy...

12 31

“But in the dim dusk of a winter’s day there appeared suddenly among them a man, as it seemed, of great bulk and girth, cloaked and hooded in white; and he walked up to the fire without a word.” (Beleg Cúthalion) —#Tolkien

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It's almost time... for the kalikantzari.
These goblins emerge from underground on Christmas Day to wreak havoc on mankind. They are banished back to hell on Epiphany, when the holy light shines again.

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For those who need no introduction: May the sun never shine upon your shadows......

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Witches are rumoured to be especially active during and out to harm livestock. For protection, farmers put iron knives in mangers, the goodwife blew into cattle’s nostrils, made the sign of the cross over them and brooms were put before stable doors.

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Norwegians used to believe that the dreams you had the night before Christmas, could reveal who would die in the next year. Therefore many people avoided sleeping altogether and stayed awake all night, preferring not to know about anyone's death in advance.

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THE SNOW QUEEN'S MIRROR makes anything good in the world appear bad & all that is evil & worthless seem attractive. If a fragment enters your eye you will see only faults, if a splinter enters your heart it will turn to ice

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Christmas Goblin
Josué Macías✍️

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❄️ The Yule Goat ❄️by David Procter.

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on Day seven- Durosimi the malign sorcerer and vampire to be. (and...something that rhymes with seven. )

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