"woah! George kinda good with the bow tho" yeah duh! It's cus he's colorblind (accidentally made him thicc)

0 9

My highlights of the teams. (I prob won't be watching but I always enjoy my favs)

37 296

While team announcements are happening.. have some

0 6

Hey,,, I know this is a bit late but uhh GREEN GUARDIANS AM I RIGHT AHAHAHAHA *sweats nervously* HAVE DOODLES THAT I FINISHED *runs away*

8 71

congrats to green guardians for the win! here’s a doodle of the brothers celebrating
(pls untag them if you comment!)

64 984

| 7:16 (I NEED TO RELAX)

The more I look at the teams the less I know who to watch 🥺👉👈 everyone's just so cool

8 118

I'm super excited for MCC this time around, and I wanted to draw george and sapnap, so I figured why not draw them in their WINNER'S POV outfit?

6 59