Cosas que podrían mostrarse en la
-#GuardiansOfTheGalaxyVol3 primer vistazo y concepts Arts.
-#FantasticFour Cast y director
Trailer y poster de
-Detalles de
-#TheMarvels trailer a puerta cerrada
-Director y cast de

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These photos were released early 2022 but said Daniela wasn’t part of the cast but now that he confirmed she’s part of … it’s safe to say Daniela will play ‘Moondragon’ in Vol.3 🔥

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🎬 ถ่ายกันเสร็จแล้วง้าบบบบ

คอนเฟิร์ม James Gunn ปิดกล้อง GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL.3 เรียบร้อย

หนังมีคิวฉายพฤษภาคมปีหน้า (แต่ปลายปีนี้จะมี Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special มาให้ดูกันให้หายคิดถึงก่อนทาง Disney+)

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James Gunn's released on this date 5 years ago (May 5, 2017)

releases one year from today

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🆕️ Will Poulter conta sobre seu preparo físico para

O ator admitiu que não recomendaria a ninguém o que fez para conseguir o papel, pois seria "insalubre e irrealista" se não tivesse o apoio financeiro de um estúdio que o acomodasse: "O mais [+]

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• (Baby) Groot, dans les films Guardians of the Galaxy et Avengers ; et la série I am Groot

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En entrevista con Deadline, reveló que será una película muy oscura y diferente a lo que el público podría esperar luego de ver las anteriores películas y que esta será la última vez que veamos juntos al equipo original.

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James Gunn wants to give the wrap-up story the Guardians deserve in but says it will be dark

“It’s big; it’s so, so big and dark, and different from what people might be expecting it to be,”


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ภาพวิล พัลเตอร์ จากกองถ่าย
กับทรงผม Adam Warlock


20 14

Remember Eustace from Chronicles of Narnia? has been confirmed by James Gunn himself to play in

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"Seu nome será...Adam"
O ator Will Poulter será Adam Warlock em Guardiões da Galáxia vol.3
Segundo o Deadline, a escalação do ator aconteceu por meados de agosto e vários outros atores foram cotados até chegar em Puolter.

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(Alerte Info) Will Poulter incarnera Adam Warlock dans !

(Via )

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