hbd to our precious maknae that owns the most cutest smile! thank you for working so hard and being such a bubbly, funny and great person. we’re all so proud of you. wishing you have the best birthday ever!! WE LOVE YOU

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Happy birthday to our golden maknae Yeojin, i'm so proud of you and i really hope you have a WONDERFUL day bc you deserve the entire world and all the love, you're amazing sweetie and you'll grow up to be a powerful artist💖🐸

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Happy birthday to our cutie tadpole Yeojin!

생일 축하합니다 울막둥이 여진이~~ 즐거운 하루 되시고 여진이 달콤한만큼 많이 맛있는 걸 잘 드세요~~ ㅎㅎㅎ

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