
46 393

I'm in heavy rain
Yeah the waters taken over me

Inspired by the song "Heavy rain" by Solence

3 14


7 31

Why do I always miss the birthday of my favorite character?😢 I'm sorry that I started playing this game so late. I tried to draw Jayden, hope it doesn’t look too bad.😥

24 59

요즘 폭우 때문에 피해가 많은데
다니실 때 조심하셔서 무사히 이 재앙을 지나가도록해요.

0 2


8 27

only the finest ethan mars content <:

1 0

“After the battle”

For a long time I wanted to paint this type of scene ,don’t know why I didn’t painted earlier 😂

I love rpg games like Dark Souls series🤩

Any other game that you can recommend me guys😃?

5 17

I insist that this is the best AU where connor and Norman work together;; 🥰drawn By me, my homie painted it
her instagram:

5 16

철혈학원 스케어크로우

선행 맛보기 셀카

촬영본은 후에 공모전으로 찾아뵙겠숨당

cos :

🖥 :

team :

63 153

🖌️ DisARTers weekly🎨: This week's is brought by Luca Bottazzi, a concept artist from Turin (Italy) with his "Heavy Rain". Source:

3 7

Meaningless doodle...
I want to see him more

2 17