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As a test I opened two colored headshots commission, that you usually can get only as my patron to test kofi feature.
Link below.
🧵 here ok lol
i’m offering the worsties jk
✅Nokommish open for full color headshot like these with a bonus beang !
i really want to try this platform (to compare it to others) but please also ask me any questions you may have
Made a random headshot of my OC
I wanna see how fast I can render again but maybe I can do it under 1 hour this time
Chibi headshot icon for Dox (@/Doxxex)🗡️💜
🟢VGen https://t.co/tPMENKC261
Completed sketch headshot CMs!
Thank you for entrusting me with your characters 🥹✨
🍕✨ may c🅾️mmissions are open!
i've updated my vgen so now you can request headshot and fullbody as well as the other types + skeb style c🅾️mmission! skeb-style is very very discounted as it doesn't feature revisions!
⬇️ link for my vgen in bio or in the following tweet ⬇️
Surprise Me! Couple headshot commission for @Yuzukyuu
Thank youu ❤️❤️❤️
Ijin pm art! Hallo sender lagi buka Urgent commission untuk tambahan keperluan kuliah🙏 untuk price nya headshot 65k/Chara untuk slotnya (0/5) yaa. Yang berminat dengan style sender bolee reply ya nanti sender DM. Terimakasih 🙏
Artist! Ada yang open coms modelan siluet gini gak ya??? Atau headshot basecolor deh kalau gk bisa kayak ini
(offi art alienst)
Guyss, aku ijin pm art! Ku yaa, karena sedang di masa" urgent bulan akhir tida ada jajan 🥲🙏 aku open komisi headshot sketch render ini 50k ajaa ya, yang minat boleh ketik mau 🦆 Nanti ku dm. Makasii banyak guyss 😭😭
Surprise Me!Headshot cmsn for Den Den Dedlen (Baka na Hito)
Thank you!
Sorry kolasenya jlek, TAPI ada yang minat art! colored sketch gni gak? Bustup 70k, headshot 50k ajah <3 paketan sender habis jdi btuh cpat 😞😞
Yang mw reply aja ya! Ntar sender samperin :3
mau minta pendapatnya artist! buat style gini, untuk range harga komisnya kira2 berapa ya? sender rencana buka headshot - half body dan non-color sama flat color aja, tapi sender baru pertama buka. Tia! 🌹
artist! Sender mau minta masukan dong aku pengen open commission tapi bingung tentuin harganya awalnya yg headshot 50k tapi banyak yang bilang terlalu murah tapi sender juga sebagai pemula gaboleh terlalu mahal 😭 menurut kalian harganya yang pas berapa ya?
Artist! Sender pengen tanya, kira-kira kalau open commis headshot style gini harganya berapa ya?