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Heya folks, Ori here!

Because Darth Elon decided to make it even *HARDER* for artists to get noticed, Lina and I suggest you hit this here Bell to get notified whenever I post the thiccness and other WIPs.

Do the same with all your other art friends, too. Every bit helps!

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heya'll! i had no funny ideas for april fools, so i thought i'd just draw regular ol' bonnie for fun. have a nice april!

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Hi everyone, I'm Momoxo, or just tell me M0mO
I am a small artist who likes to draw various things from time to time although I get lost playing nonsense.
I'm multifandom, but you'll usually see me in fandoms that have to do with horror or weird stuff.

@/ YOU 👁️👁️ https://t.co/Hi5GBJaPTA

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I love gaming, photography, rock music, movies and anime/manga. Occasionally gripes about life, puts funny pictures on the internet.

I also draw stuff.

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heya! i doodle once in a while!

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Heya! I’m Valentine, im a non-binary lesbian artist who is autistic, my special internets are South Park, Bandori, pjsk, and Welcome Home : ) https://t.co/RNOSEOiEPq

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Heya! Im Pony and im non-binary. I do art, animation and always happy to lend a hand.

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Heya! I’m Mochimata, or Mochi for short. I’m a fighting game/pokemon centric robot vtuber with stupid-ass levels of luck!


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heya~! I'm Snippet, the genderless scissor pixie of your (bad) dreams! ✂️ I play dumb games at https://t.co/0FEJrzvvlb!

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Heya! I'm a transmasc nonbinary artist who loves to draw in a variety of styles! I don't draw as much as I wish to but I'm slowly trying to get back into the swing of things! Thank you for this art share! :]

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Heya! I'm Dami a bi gender fluid trans masc fantasy illustrator. My work focus' on my queer OCS!

I draw lots of pretty guys.

Check out my webcomic-

I have 3 slots open if you want to CM me!

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Heya! Non-binary trans gal here, it ain't much but it's honest work~

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Heya, Happy ! I'm Astra, I'm an enby artist who likes drawing lots of fanart and silly things!

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Heya- I'm void. As usual, i do fantasy and transformative art! I've been out for almost 10 years now as a trans person and art is currently my full time job.
check it out over on ! I'm probably shadow'd for drawing Butts and Bewbs but, here I am.

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Heya, happy from ur friendly neighborhood transmasc 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

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Se gostarem das minhas artes, lembrem q eu tô com comissões abertas!! E eu posso fazer um descontinho <3

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