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Recently, I saw a facial expression of Kasumi being scared by Hina and crying, which reminded me of a meme image from a Taiwanese drama where a grandmother asks her daughter-in-law, "哩洗咧靠喔?" (Are you crying?)😂

298 1750

English Translation
Artist commentary : Meeting expectations.

I keep seeing the same thing. Guess I gotta go and see for myself if Hina really played for Sensei or not.

74 466

English Translation
Artist commentary : ~Maybe this is how the meeting of Kivotos' new students, Kasumi and Hina went down, Theater~

Today I learned Megu was actually Kasumi's senior.

118 756


see pixiv for other version

12 148

English Translation
Artist commentary : Hina who reached her limit after not seeing Sensei for 3 months (Part 2)

Sensei didn't login for three months.

100 809

English Translation
Artist commentary: Hina-chan trying her best.

137 994

Hina's back😌✨

2111 12117