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#tf2comics panel redraw
#tf2 #medic #ludwighumboldt #teamfortress2 #pencildrawing
Heute gibt es mal wieder einen Wissenschaftscomic: Die Humboldt-Universität hat Ratten gekitzelt und mit ihnen Verstecken gespielt! Für die Wissenschaft! Wie und warum genau, könnt ihr im Comic nachlesen und hier in diesem Artikel, viel Spaß! 😊🐀
El otro día dibujé el rostro humano -me parece uno de los ejercicios más complejos e interesantes-, dibujé a #Humboldt -entonces- para una de divulgación de la ciencia.
#DrawingLines #DibujandoEnLíneas #DivulgaciónCientífica #Portrait #Retrato #AlexanderVonHumboldt
The January sticker set for my Bigfin and Humboldt squid patrons! There is still time to snag this sticker set for the month! Otherwise, these stickers wont be for sale until February! https://t.co/BQo3XSR7FD
Stop by @VaultGallerie this Friday (Jan 8, 9am-2pm) to try out Thrd Coffee Co. ☕ Thrd is a Humboldt Park based mobile espresso bar & they'll be serving coffee along with other goods ☕ Head over to their IG page for more info
However there are other Mews that only show up in the manga and in in one of the games
Ringo Akai - Apples - Humboldt Penguin (she is from the PS1 game)
Berry Shirayuki - Berries - Amami rabbit and Andean mountain cat ( she is in the manga, and may be coming to the new series)
Humboldt Penguin
A South American penguin that typically lives in coastal Chile and Peru, the Humboldt Penguin is named after the cold water current that it swims in. They are medium-sized penguins that grow to
about 22-28 inches.
#KaleidoSaturday #Kaleidoscope #art
🌀😷Space For The Earth [Humboldt Current Mix]😷🌀
so i found out recently these two have the same voice actor and it amazes me
left:Baron Zemo from earth's mightiest heroes
Right:Medic (Luwig Humboldt) from TF2
🪲 Gyriosomus granulipennis (vaquita de Isla Choros), especie endémica de la isla Choros (Reserva Nacional Pingüino de Humboldt).
👉Los estudios del @LabEntEcol indican que la especie está separada hace 10.000 años de la fauna continental.
👏Imagen de @faunanimo
The new fossil sawshark 🦈 Pristiophorus humboldti from the early Miocene of Chile with sea snails (Olivancillaria sp.) and crustaceans 🦀(Trichopeltarion sp.) that were found in the same area. Illustration made by Rossana Rojas. #illustration #paleontology #sharks
@OriginalsPapa @ryanting45 I think the Mariners are the last team needed. Unless I missed one along the way. Also, I've done Humboldt before:
This map was created in 1823 by Alexander von Humboldt. It's the first isothermal map. Imagine creating isothermes! How cool is that! Source: https://t.co/D0vDjeYB27
Geographer, naturalist and explorer Friedrich Heinrich Alexander Freiherr von Humboldt was #bornonthisday 1769. Scroll through his amazing books: https://t.co/xUacO4CHCs
“Jamás una colección de diseños ha sido hecha con más lujo”, exclamó el geógrafo y naturalista Humboldt cuando conoció el Archivo Mutis, una colección con más de 7000 láminas sobre la flora de Colombia y Ecuador @RJBOTANICO