Some interesting stuff about this planet:
I made the smaller version for the rest of the game, but needed a bigger one.

Problem, I'm lazy.


Scale up
Smooth the edges
Optimized blur
overlay checker pattern
mode-->indexed colors (with game's palette)


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tfw you make an indexed word document of spells because you've never played a spellcaster before and you're NERVOUS.

Delta was for my friend's Saltmarsh one-shot. ;w;

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I know for a fact that this’ll probably get indexed into Google search but at least I can say I’m happy with this doodle

1 14

Concept art for Sega's unreleased Virtua Hamster on the 32X. You can really tell the artist(s) were having fun here!

These were found in GamePro magazine's art archives, which were very generously gifted to us. One day we hope to have this all indexed and ready to be accessed!

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Experiments using Indexed colors.
In order of palettes Gameboy > Gameboy Color > NES > Amiga

15 117

Learned that by playing with the indexed colour settings you can give pictures early internet & gameboy camera looks. I need to do something with this.

1 11

ensino tu pega 01 cenario de busao e traceja ele fodase roba memo, pega 01 daqueles paineis de pc-98 e simplesmente tira print e muda umas cores muda nem o nome do personagem fodase dai tu traceja 01 desenho de uma gostosa posteriza e muda o modo pra indexed e ja era ;;;;)

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pixel portraits i made of the new gen starters, using an indexed palette (PICO-8's 16 colors)

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This is what happens if you send a regular texture into a shader that expects an indexed color palette. I also interpret the dither amount from the blue channel, so this guy got some dynamic roughness to him.

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kinda? it's like a mode that only shows colors you let it, so just shaded normally then changed it to indexed colors

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8bit indexed color に減算してみたけど、拡大すると誤差拡散って分かるな。

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A quick example of the stylization (which isn't really connected to 3D, more to fancy shaders), turning a full-color artwork into the Atari 2600 palette. Left: original, middle: photoshop's indexed color conversion (diffusion dither, 25%), right: my take.

1 11

i keep forgetting the color is indexed so i set out to make one cursed image but ended up with an entirely different one

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