27 /02/2017

Summer dreams

hardboard, OIL & Acryl, 50x23 cm

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Yang Doctor, satunya Panda Ferret, satunya Galapagos Lava Lizard

Ada satu Operator (belom ada design fixnya) tapi dia Iberian yang basenya dari Cape Verde Shearwater (Cagarra)

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The first time I thought up and drew Cynvale. Up until this point, Siberia/Azrael wasn’t really “me” - they were more my spirit guide, kind of like an extension of me. Whereas Cynvale is supposed to represent my core and essence. His design has remained remarkably unchanged!

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Got a commission from of a new OC Luka! He’s based off of a European Goldfinch. he lives in Iberia and is a descendant of some of the pirates that were around during the Golden Age. He often ends up tangling with Inquisitors and Seaborn alike, trying his best (1/2)

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Here is your new pet! Endangered Iberian Lynx (January 2011)

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...E tu mi strazi,mia bruna,
con il riso tuo beffardo,
poi nel mio cuore il tuo sguardo
dolce scende come luna

L'anima mia,che hai in cura
tu,mia luce,mio colore,
tu,esplosione di calore
nella mia Siberia oscura.

Charles Baudelaire
Giacomo Balla 🎨

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(02/03)..>based on the Etruscan+Iberian visual language and I took the opportunity to use the shapes of Etruscan horses and play around with them while testing some Winsor&Newton watercolors. The combo with red MUJI pen was... chef kiss!!👌✨

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Hey, russo-natives! Promote your art here! Non-natives, please rt :)
This is a post for appreciation of Russian indigenous artists, crafters, singers etc.

I'm very mixed with karelians, siberians, sami, and lingit (not russo-natives, but still) people :)
And with slavics too.

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Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, painted by Pablo Picasso in 1907, is probably the most influential work of modern art.

But he didn't come up with it all himself.

Picasso borrowed from the art of West Africa, ancient Iberian sculpture, an obscure Medieval architect, and El Greco...

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Here is your new pet! Endangered Iberian Lynx (January 2011)

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Doodle Request for a Siberian Husky working at McDonalds.

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Here is your new pet! Endangered Iberian Lynx (January 2011)

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Here is your new pet! Endangered Iberian Lynx (January 2011)

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happy black history month!! i'm lanse, a black/liberian artist who may or may not have started from scratch again ! My back and forth to make this a hobby or career is a lot, but i hope you all enjoy what i make ! (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠)💖

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