Awalnya saya biasa aja. Oh oke ini Stray Kids, tapi semakin kesini kok suka sama si Han. Sebenarnya masih suka nolak batin yang bilang "Ma, masa ngidolain adek²?!" tapi saya malah nggak bisa nahan jari buat ngegambar si tupai 🐿#hanjisungfanart

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no one asked for 200111 han drawings but here i am

((please be kind i am still very new to digital art...please))

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Felix and Jisung - redrawn Stray Kids Astronaut stickers ⭐️✨💫

5 25

JISUNG AS NAGISA HAZUKI FROM FREE! Both are soft cuties 😔💖

Jeekies Neekies

For the by !

14 57

this is ancient buT i felt like i should post this 😳 au in which jisung wakes up as a tiny squirrel boy and changbin takes care of him 😔

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