So, Sajid Javid has recovered from Covid. Now he can proceed with his goal as Health Secretary.

1 2

I've a in the new mag out today. Whilst you're scrambling for a copy, here's one from the previous edition.

6 21

Forgot to do the reveal of this.
Its , a man not lacking in self confidence.

4 16

Peter Brookes on the UK’s ‘cautious and irreversible’ approach   – political cartoon gallery in London

25 46

Portrait of the new "Health Guru" or "Herd Immuniser"#DrawSajidJavidAgain

1 5

Brian Adcock on comedy politician, announcing the end of most restrictions. – political cartoon gallery in London

11 28

My cartoon for tomorrow. comedy politician, announces the end of most restrictions.

15 27

My effort for 's challenge. An apt reminder on that we have a fight on our hands.

17 49

Tried out some new paper for my attempt at the not sure about it. Or the paper.

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Morten Morland on   political cartoon gallery in London

11 28

Martin Rowson: a new face at the Department of Health – political cartoon gallery in London

4 16

Brian Adcock on political cartoon gallery in London

17 42

Nicola Jennings on political cartoon gallery in London

12 27