gukhwa sunbae was sooo in panic when he saw jiho crying 🥹

"the girl whom i like is crying, its a given to be flustered (bc of it)"

kicking my blanket rn theyre so cute pls
같은 학교 친구_45화

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oh man fuck jiho u ugly fuck

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Jiho: "Only do this with me, okay?"
Jiho's sexy whispers >>>>>>> 🔥🔥

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Tomorrow my special guest for my Let's Talk Origin Podcast will be none other than !!

What would YOU ask Jiho if you had the chance?

Leave your comment down below! ⬇️⬇️

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gukhwa sunbae's effort to win jiho's heart sjdjdjdj hes working so hard lol🤧

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When Woorim said he never experienced getting licked (even by his ex) before—
"Cha Woorim, I like dirty and vulgar kind of s3x. If you want, I can suck your bottom until it tears."

Get you a man with a strong tongue action like Jiho! 🔥👅🔥

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Woorim💭: I thought he was annoying and hard to be with. But being with him all day was fun. And I think he's sweeter than I imagined. He's handsome too. And his body.. sigh.."

HAHAHAH Woorim can't help thinking about Jiho 🤣

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AU, where everything is the same except Jiho, redeems himself and continues to go to school (I just want him to be happy:-:)

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gyeoul gave jiho handmade amulets to cheer on her. gyeoul made it herself because jiho has been studying hard (ft. yohan getting jealous of jiho bc he didnt get any lol)

i truly love jiho and gyeoul's friendship!! gyeoul is really a supportive friend. my meow meows🥹💗

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I had to do it. I needed to see Jiho with purple hair

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apparently the guy jiho likes already has a girlfriend,,,

okay sunbae im rooting for you👍

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aku kira tuh yg nipu jiho itu orang yg ngaku² jdi gimyung, soalnya bentukannya kek ikan pari gini😭😭😭 gataunya emang dia

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jiho's gyaru peace✌️

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he's acting out like this yet still a crybaby to jiho😂

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It's a relief that Jiho has someone he can depend on right now. Inwoo is so amazing and reliable, he'll make Jiho more happy in the future 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏡

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and this MAN... god, his maturity is so sexy. best husband of all 💓 he genuinely loves Jiho. I want more! I hope the next season comes very soon 🥺

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The Insatiable Man
before, it was Inwoo who faced his ex-wife bravely. now, it's Jiho facing his father, coming out of the closet very very bravely. This BL is amazing, I love it so so much

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Jiho: Do you hate me?
Woorim: No I don't
Jiho: then you like me, don't you?
Woorim: That's not it too! (blushing)

Jiho: Should we go on a date?
*Woorim saying excuses*
*Jiho grabs his hands* — "Woorim-ah, I'll call you."

sksksk Woorim you've fallen for him~~😭

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