05. Blinding - I've never seen Peaky Blinders, but it was this or a Manfred Mann's Earth Band reference which nobody under 40 would get. (Those cheekbones though!)

5 31

04. Angular - I don't know about you, but I think I'm getting the hang of this whole horse anatomy thing.

8 81

03. Hysterical - Given the words 'hysterical horse' most would imagine a wild stallion frothing at the mouth. I, however, imagine an outdated 90's stereotype of a stand-up comedian which, nowadays, is more akin to a nightmare.

5 32

01. Textured - Since I have garnered a reputation amongst my friends of drawing just the worst nightmare horses, and everyone else is doing this whole 'draw every day' thing, I thought I'd punish you all by drawing a horse every day.

5 47

With the end of Biceptember comes the start of Jocktober!
Sig is modeling ’s “The Wolf” jock and looking fierce~

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