Catching Up 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️🏃

"John Carter of Mars for Dummies"

Dejah Thoris
• Dan Abnett (Writer) •Vasco Georgiev (Artist)
• Adam Hughes (Variant)

Review ✍️

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High-resolution images of some art for the JOHN CARTER OF MARS here:
"John Carter of Mars," "Warhoons," "Thoat Riders of Manatos," "Zitidar"

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Thomas Yeates provided many wonderful illustrations for the 2009 Fall River Press edition of original Mars trilogy, which the publisher titled JOHN CARTER OF MARS. See more starting here:

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Happy Birthday to artist Thomas Yeates, born in Sacramento, CA in 1955. My favorite piece of his is "The Fantastic Worlds of Edgar Rice Burroughs."

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in 1941, artist Boris Vallejo was born in Lima, Peru. In the 1970s, he created iconic covers for Ballantine editions of a dozen books (#ERBzine 3610). These and other favorites are posted below.

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"O Christmas thark, O Christmas thark,
How lovely are thy four arms."

Image: Jeff Doten (), 2009

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Happy birthday to Italian great Gino D'achille! (1935-2017) D'achille's work was highly sought after in the 1970s and 80s!

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For much more about the art and various editions of A PRINCESS OF MARS, see 0421:
Cover artists: Ludwig Hohlwein (1925), Robert Abbett (1963), Motoichiro Takebe (1965), Bruce Pennington (1972)

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I turned to meet the charge of the infuriated bull ape.
Original Schoonover art and image as printed

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Happy Birthday to Edgar Rice Burroughs (creator of and and the great , official artist for the forthcoming collected works of Here are some of Joe's earlier images of

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In early 2012, shortly before the movie opened, initiated a 4-issue crossover series, WARRIORS OF MARS, featuring Carter and Gullivar Jones together. Here are 's covers.

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This is a "preliminary mock-up of the box" specially made for this Deluxe Manuscript Edition of Princess of Mars.

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Another great issue that gets characters completly right: CARSON OF VENUS / WARLORD OF MARS in stores NOW!
Includes a 4-page preview of the forthcoming PRINCESS OF VENUS

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Preview of 's epic crossover, in stores NOW!
Carson of Venus / Warlord of Mars The Princess in the Tower

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