Justitia Gladiusの水着恋刃ちゃん描いた

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It's Scary Saturday! And what's scarier than Wayne Douglas Barlowe's visions of Hell? This painting is titled 'JUSTITIA INFERNALIS'

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- Lockscreen (En mi PC no tengo Home Screen)
- Last song you listened to: Credens Justitiam https://t.co/FylFxioe9C (No puedo hacer captura😅)
- 15th photo un your gallery (Agrego 2 mas porque si, y que no cumplí lo otro XD)

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Tosio Martinengo Justitia. Brescia Pinacoteca_ Justice and Peace kiss

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うん、やっぱりcredens justitiamはイイネ✨


・・・見たくないですし( ˙-˙ )

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いや、後ろで流れてるcredens justitiamが、もう、絶妙に、ね(笑)

何もかも引っ括めてここも聖巴様好きですよξ(🌼❛ ֊ ❛„)ξ✨

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DoubleCross The 3rd Edition
Unofficial Scenario 『Justitia』

「Justitia is the blind.」

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採用身分朱斯提提亞(Justitia / Iustitia)「混合泰美斯、狄刻、阿斯特賴亞、狄蜜特(正義部分)」,宙斯的姐姐,奧林帕斯十二神之一,掌管正義

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最初の戦闘でCredens justitiamのアレンジ流れるの熱すぎてずっと聞いていたい。こっちの曲名は何なのかな

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Took about twenty million years but I finally am getting around to posting these guys here! They're my new Swords of Justice OCs! Justitia, Adrestia, Eunomia, and Soteria!

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Wat een mooie illustratie vrouwe Justitia in de Volkskrant van vandaag van

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