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#KHUXJP 8/1~8/13 Twilight Town trio’s avatar board have arrived! KHII Hayner, Pence, and Olette costumes are now available in the avatar boards for 2,500 Jewels each!
-Hayner Board: Skill Perk +8
-Pence Board: Skill Perk +4
-Olette Board: Skill Perk +7
#KHUXJP 7/9~7/23 KHII Cloud and Tifa avatar boards have appeared for 2500 jewels each.
Skill: ATK XL IV 100%
2.4x the damage given to the enemy. 100% activation at level MAX.
Skill Luck +8
#KHUX_JP KHII Cloud and Tifa avatar boards are available from 7/9~7/23 for 2500 jewels each! Cloud's Fusion Swords and Tifa's Earring grants Skill Luck+8
Skills include: Guard Up XL II, Lux & ATK XL III 100%, and a new skill: ATK XL IV 100% https://t.co/gXQY2jmtnT
新メダル『《Pr》リク&王様 KHII Ver』がドローに登場!
さらに、攻撃力・防御力の強化上限がアップしたり、アビリティにバフ効果が追加されて超強力! #KHUX
Chikai(Oath) -Dont Think Twice- Utada Hikaru
someone else thinks it's the perfect song for a marriage proposal ❤💍♥ owww I love it #utadahikaru #utada #chikai #oath #dontthinktwice #love #rings #soraxkairi #promise #sora #kairi #kh #kingdomhearts #KHII #vessel #heart #keyblade
Kairi KHII Ver [EX+] [AOE, 0 SP] For 1 turn:
Player: overwrite with Upright ATK+7, ATK+7, PSM ATK+7.
Enemy: overwrite with Upright DEF-7, DEF-7, PSM DEF-7, PSM ATK-2.
Guilt+80%, attack counter+1, recovers a large amount of HP and 10 SP, removes status ailments
Final Fantasy III : fun character designs, one of my first introductions to the genre (barely won over chrono trigger)
KHII: better mechanics than KH1 and has Roxas
Pearl: best pokemon game and will always be until the day i die.
Stardew: cute feel good farming simulator.
KHUX:KHUX 2周年! 皆様へのご挨拶。野村氏コメント「描き下しのメダルがKHIIのラストバトルモチーフだったり、アバターがKHIIのだったりするのは2周年ということで”2”に掛けてます」次期アップデートは9/14 https://t.co/pHN6QH4qMF
#KHUX_JP Sora & Riku KHII Illust EX and Ava HD EX are capable of 120~200% Guilt, voiced, change BGM! 5 abl slots, GUARANTEED IN 15 DRAWS
ギルト7『ソラ&リク KHII イラストVer 【EX】』登場!
>■『ソラ&リク KHII イラストVer 【EX】』の確定ストッパーは15回目確定!
Et la tenue la plus appréciée par la communauté est celle de KHII ! Suivie de près par celle de KHIII.