//=time() ?>
#ストライカー:#グルガン #クリザリッド #龍(#ロン)
#誕生日:#1945年10月18日 #76歳
#KOF2002 #KOF2002UM
@tanzong830 Yeah.
His classic hairstyle was different.
To be honest, I prefer how K' hairstyle looks in that promotional artwork for KOF2001 (made by Hiroaki) and his 3D render in Maximum Impact 2
@syachiiro Awesome drawing!
It reminds me of K's artwork of KOF2001 made by Hiroaki.
Welcome back Dark Hero 🔥
@ToggleStart @SNKPofficial Same.
I also miss K9999
He was the face of KOF2001
Even the colours of the logo are based on him.
@FGC_Daily Congratulations to the fans of KOF98UM
I am still waiting for rollback netcode for KOF2001, one of my favorites.
Also, re-releasing the Maximum Impact games for modern consoles
One can always dream.
Angel - Days of Memories
#Angel #DaysofMemories #KOF2001 #KOF2002 #KOF2002UM #KOFXIV #TeamNESTS #TeamMexico #SNK #KOFAS #KOF
@KnightmareGuy Yeah.
I also think she was the most popular of the newcomers in KOF2001 for two big reasons 😏
Still, it makes me sad how the actual SNK sees KOF2001 as the black sheep of the series :,(
It is one of my favorites.
Sometimes I think KOFXIV was a reboot of the series.
#要塞衛星 #エイダス
#KOF2001 #KOF2002UM
KOF2001 サイコソルジャーチーム!
#KOF #KOF2001 #麻宮アテナ #格ゲーキャラ描こうぜ
I did this in 2001!! This illustration is 20 years old! omg I feel old.
#ioriyagami #k #kyokusanagi #K999 #KOF2001
@RyujiLalo Como dijiste la 2000 tiene buenas ilustraciones. Con muy buenos detalles.
Es solo que ya no me gustan ese estilo de dibujos.
Ahora prefiero los más expresivos, que no requieren mucho detalle.
Cosas como esas es la razon por la que prefiero el arte de KOF2001
Es mas original
@RyujiLalo Ouch!
Es verdad.
Fatal Fury no tiene mas de 10 plantillas diferentes tiene como 9 si contamos a Garou MOW 😅
En cuanto a KOF, uno de mis favoritos seria el KOF2001 por la genial musica de victoria y el detalle de que no solo se ve al personaje que gano sino tambien a su equipo
KOF2002 アンリミテッドマッチにおけるイグニスのテーマは格好良くてお気に入り。
Heidern & Leona Heidern
#Heidern #LeonaHeidern #KOFAS #KOF98UMOL #felizdiadospais #SilentSoldier #KOF94 #KOF96 #KOFXV #IkariWarriors #TeamIkari #KOF2001 #MetalSlug #KOF #SNK
Igniz - Kof x Garou Densetsu