
9 30


5 15

It was just genderbend

K: We're not going anywhere today, are we?

4 18

everyone from suna deserves proper compensation from kakagai for having to witness their gay shit unwillingly

4 13

Q: Why do you wear your jacket unzipped?

G: This is more convenient, and if necessary, I can take it off. And it's even freer this way


G: My headband? Really?
There is no need to kidnap me...
K: Just trust me, okay?
G: Don`t tell me that you...

8 32

this is still my favorite kakagai moment bc the vulnerability they both let out here? gai putting down his optimistic facade and actually showing doubt about youth and kakashi comforting him even tho literally a few scenes earlier we see that he doesnt endorse being emotional

8 29

let`s drown our pain in our passion tonight

39 122

Fem kakagai?

Also like everyome is sweet in the kakagai side and its very nice to see

12 38

Quick sketch of mine and KakaGai kid Akira! They're a they/them and the coolest kid you'll ever know. ❤

5 29

and lee and李帕克和幻将(tv npc)

5 13