warm up doodle too stinky for main but what if Akkoro stole Shivers look 😳

0 14

Isikkoroさん Thank you so much


5 117



9 168

ステキな企画に参加させていただきました❣️一生の思い出になります。私は小山兄弟で参加です。Isikkoroさん、ありがとうございます。感謝感激です。そして、絵師の皆様、とても楽しかったです。ありがとうございました。 https://t.co/OkC4Mj6Yf0

3 82


25 314

Let's rest a bit, my lord~
Day 11 and 12 - Round 2 - Kokkoro-chan
Woah, that was a bit challenging to finish the second artwork, but I'm happy with the result (✧ω✧)

11 43

Flower Amu! Kokkoro Amu! Idol Amu!
花あむ!こころあむ! アイドルあむ!
Thank you !!

2 7

Day 10 - Round 2 - Kokkoro-chan

Base colors~

I reaaally wanted to do more today, but I'm dead tired from this heat (╥_╥)

0 5

Octp ku rata2 begini
Salah satunya ini

Pic 1 : Vampire x Bake Kujira (hantu Ikan Paus)
Pic 2 : Akkorokamui x Tenjin (God)
Pic 3 : Half Alien(Celestial) - Half Lunarian x Half Alien - Half Akkorokamui https://t.co/cSTTKsxD3F

0 0

Day 7 - Round 2 - Kokkoro-chan wip OxO

I think I need to fix a bit her body (and clothes) __φ(..)

On the fifth and sixth day, I practiced drawing cuter faces (I think ~)

0 2

Who needs 4th of July when I have Kokkoro in a festival outfit? That’s all I need on this holiday. 🥰🤍

Daily Kokkoro 🤍

2 11

Some NPCs from the D&D campaign I’m in. These guys are all warlocks of Akkorokamui, God of the Deep Sea 🐙

1 7