# kubera

Ravana? Oh, I think I remember that name. Isn't that the bitch that "killed" Leez multiple times before? Oh please, I hope I can see them kicking her ass

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Kubera leez, Asha rahiro and Brillith ruin
From kubera: one last god

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This baby is back up for 75💖 base by @/leez_____ comment or DM if interested 💕

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Because Ran not being able to truly empathize with Leez is not his fault, it's simply about his nature as a human being and he is someone sincere enough to listen to this conversation carefully

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Recently, Leez from Kubera, one of the most tragic characters I’ve ever read

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What a conversation. What is Visnu trying to do? Does he truly do not exist in the future anymore? I have so many questions. Also, where do you think you're going with Other Leez, Visnu? You're not slick, get back here

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Other Leez😣😣 Also damn, Ran can easily breath in the Sura Realm, I doubt just any Yaksha Quarter can do that

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That's bs, ofc if Leez asks he's gonna deny everything and say he doesn't love her

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After an amazing dream, Leez is back to the cruel reality where I have to see Kinnara's face

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So, the "dream" can easily change depending on how Leez interprets something atm

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Wait, this Yuta is not a manifestation of Leez's subconscious! It seems like Yuta is also involved/trapped in this "dream", his reactions tell me that he's aware of their situation but he's going along with the "dream" for some reason

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Leez… Whoever this Ravana person is, I don't like her

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Honestly, I would be happy if the chapter is all about Leez daydreaming a different life

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I do wonder what would Asha do if Leez decided to go with Ran as well

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Anyways thread of every single Leez panel in the entire series part 1 out of ????

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Agni placing his hopes on Leez makes me so happy😁

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I love that one can see the selfless side of humanity in Leez and the selfish side of humanity in Asha, both are equally humane

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Damn… but yeah Asha and Leez are both sides of the same coin

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