we also have members of the royal guard in attendance! with sworn allegiance to genesis Kami & said to have unbreakable defence, the "Elder Armour" is a 1% trait! of the 4 listed, the "Kawaii Eyes" is the highest ranked! the class of recruits grows smaller each day! LFCHIMP 🫡🔥

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gm to the gm'ers, dreamers, pioneers & explorers of the metaverse! it's Thursday & we're quenching our thirst for adventure & mystery! with the warriors of "patience" & "time" as your greatest allies, the key to unlock your reward is consistency! you've got this, now !LFCHIMP 🫡

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- in focus - today's floor search has been laden with gems!💎there are a few ways to travel around the chimpverse, one of them would be with a trusty "Ol'Pilot"! only 19 aviators exist, a 0.34% trait & this is the only one listed! prepare for takeoff! LFCHIMP 🫡🛩️

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- rarity spotlight - there are some top 10%'ers currently listed! I've inclulded 2 below, listed on OS & below 2 ETH...Red Fox gang & an Angelic Ademite, ready for ascension to the dojo - do you think the mega sabre was used to cut the cake? 👀!LFCHIMP 🔥🙉🦊🍰💎⛩️

1 13

gm metaverse wanderers, explorers, dreamers, builders & those moving with conviction to create their new normal! it's Friday & this week has transported us into a new era of what's possible! stay on your grind, keep your focus, long term gains will be your reward!🔥 !LFCHIMP 🫡🙉

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- ready for training - special mention to this duo of mellow cherry chimpers chilling near the floor with below 1% traits...as rare as they come! 🔥 we have "Chimborg Eyes (0.88%)" & "Chimpfro" (0.56%), legendary rockers of the chimpverse!!! LFCHIMP 🤘👾🙉‼️

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- ready for training - for the culture, we have a special mention of a very rare trait...the "Bucket Hat"! a real scarcity, 20 chimpers have this trait & only these 2 are listed...one of them near the floor! the doors to the dojo are open! LFCHIMP 🫡🔥👾🙉⛩️

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- ready for training - in today's pick of the floor we look at a 3% fur type, the "Cold Rogue"! not much is known about this clan, there're rumours they were unknowingly exposed to Eirian's dangerous energy causing the fur change! they yearn for battle! LFCHIMP 🫡🔥

1 21

gm to the dreamers, pioneers of the metaverse & those brave enough to carve their own path! it's Chimpers Chuesday & we're in search of the goose that laid the Grail Coat! we're all questing with our own treasure map, it's where we meet that makes all the difference! LFCHIMP 🫡⛩️

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- ready for training - in today's floor search we have some chimpsthetic beauties! the clan of "Haori", of which there are 3 factions, are rumoured to be nomads in the chimpverse, travelling from place to place, learning & developing skills wherever they go! LFCHIMP

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- in focus - looking at fur types, today we focus on the 2% trait "Heretic Fur"! I believe all heretics to be followers of the genesis Itan-sha & worship something unknown to the realm! what secrets do they hold? there are many untold mysteries to unlock! LFCHIMP 🫡

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- ready for training - Chimpers above all else are warriors with honour & this's never held more true than with the "Gold Bushido", a 1% trait! bushido is the code of honour and morals developed by the samurai! you'd do well to have one of them on your side! LFCHIMP

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- ready for training - today we have a pair of purrrfect chimps awaiting ascension to the dojo! at just 2% of the collection, the "Meow Cap" is said to give it's wearer 9 lives in battle! marshmallows & milkshake, sounds like a party! here kitty kitty LFCHIMP 🐱🙉🔥

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gm to the dreamweavers! it's been another adventurous week in the chimpverse, trials by fire and hardened by pressure, consistency is the key to unlock all potential! ✨ keep cutting away at that rough gem, polishing your skills & shine as the 💎 that you are! LFCHIMP 🔥🫡🙉👾🤌

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in focus - I have so many questions about the chimpverse! do some chimpers have special powers controlling elements? definitely on the grail list is the "Waterfall Trait"! there's only 31 of them , 3 are for sale, 1 is a top 10% - do go chasing waterfalls! LFCHIMP 🤌

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ready for training - in today's listings we have this pair eager to report for duty in the dojo, the "Yin & Yang" assassins, shinobis of the chimpverse! the "Ninja Mask" is earned...not given! you'll never see them coming! LFCHIMP 🔥🥷

1 11

in focus - part of the journey in the chimpverse is the battle between light & shadow! in today's grail search, we find ourselves face to face with...the "Machinists"! there are only 2 of each in the collection, only 1 is listed! choose your faction & LFCHIMP 🔥🫡

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ready for training - from the floor to dojo, bringing the heat today we have the pick of "The Double Dragons"! Red & Green dragon, a 1% trait & what a fiery pair! Master Chimpo says big bro Gold Dragon is already waiting for them 🐉🔥🙉 LFCHIMP

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gm to the gm'ers, the dreamers & believers! Sunday's are fun days & also reminders to take some time for ourselves! do more of the things which make you happy & be free to be your ultimate YOU! LFCHIMP🔥🙉

1 18

ready for training - with 4228 chimps training, it's becoming harder finding new recruits! supply shock is real! in today's pick we've the vibiest chimps in the chimpverse, "Displayoooor"! no matter what the situation, this lil'guy always carries a smile! LFCHIMP🫡

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