It’s really not that hard to be scum, people! Here you go !

Also for someone who says “I can tell someone is a leftist by their art style”, you certainly have a stereotypical “leftist artstyle”

5 17

You're going overboard again. Most geeks and nerds were socially ostracized and just wanted to be left alone. In the late 70s/early 80s, it was right wing religious crazies campaigning against "Dungeons & Dragons", with leftists joining in against video games in the late 80s/90s.

0 1

It's funny how X-Men simultaneously proves that comics were "always woke" and nothing has changed...

...yet it's also "problematic", and needs to be changed to be more "inclusive"...

...even though it's always been woke according to these same leftists.


1 3

You canNOT be doing that on Twitter bro, the angry leftist mob's gonna jump you

0 1

How these "anti-racist" woke leftists actually view themselves...

0 7

that fuckin one guy that i wont say so i dont encure the wrath of his followers has the most bonkers ass anti-trans anti-vaccine comics ever but at the same time give the evil leftist transgenders some really cool designs

3 34

You may think leftists are extreme, but that's not actually true. Japanese right wingers were bringing about many wars before 1945, and they are trying to do it again.
Japanese leftists want to stop them😣I hope so, too.

64 409

Yeah, Homelander is wokeistic leftists, his forces are the cancel culture and the soy dude is a average liberal democrat UwU

0 0

Leftists when they see actual workers owning the means of production.

10 63

I do charity work, I GM TTRPGs (online and offline), and I perform audio work and transcribing. I draw, color, paint, and screech about social justice issues.

I'm open and honest about my own mental health and I'm decidedly leftist.

1 5

Oh look another hard leftist lifting the mask to swap it for a klan hood.

0 11

Only person booked into KingCo Jail in last 24 hours for a hate crime is Maeve Jacqueline Nota, alias of "Adam Nota" listed.

That names appears on some reviews left on trans/furry/leftist items on Etsy.

Will update once 100% confirmed

20 69

Why do you need to learn about real art?

So that if someone tells you this is art you can humiliate them in every forum necessary and ensure people are embarrassed to put this in a gallery or teach about it in a school.

So long as leftists control art, they control the culture

11 88

Why do you need to learn about real art?

So that if someone tells you this is art you can humiliate them in every forum necessary and ensure people are embarrassed to put this in a gallery or teach about it in a school.

So long as leftists control art, they control the culture

21 338

Why do you need to learn about real art?

So that if someone tells you this is art you can humiliate them in every forum necessary and ensure people are embarrassed to put this in a gallery or teach about it in a school.

So long as leftists control art, they control the culture

50 3305

She’s “literally a Marxist”. If we can have journalists from GBeebies and BBC news, BBC politics, and BBC QT sharing their opinions and feelings, why fear those of an independent leftist YouTube channel? It’s like straining a flea and swallowing a camel.

0 0

Science generally supports leftist ideas a lot more than right wing or liberal ideas (yes even economics)

120 591

I had a couple people follow, so y'all should know I'm a video game streamer, queer furry trash, and an antifascist leftist and if you hang around you're gonna hear more than you want to about all of that.

5 113