Well…Надеюсь я всё же смогу написать что-то типа фанфика по тому, что родилось у меня в голове
Рисунки хотя бы есть :D

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Testing out retro art style with Lumine✨

I'm unoriginal so I'm recycling the idea of genshin characters wearing the school uniform from my genshin apocalypse au 🐒

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Hace unos meses que juego genshin y la verdad es que PERDI TODA MI ESTABILIDAD EMOCIONAL CON ESTO AAAA en fin aquí tengo algo que varios del fandom les gustaría ver y vivir ese momento en muchos años adelante XD

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❝ [ Lumine • Genshin Impact ] ¡! ❞

Lumine! Our beloved ♡
Gonna draw aether later~
Anyway, happy new year! <3

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Childe and Lumine 💓
They're one of the cutest ships I've ever seen in Genshin Impact🥺
Who're your favorite ships?✨

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I did the lineart and @/yaumiila (on instagram) did the coloring, she made it looks SO good😩

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☆ lumine
hello i havent posted in a while HAHA take this as my apology, btw i was supposed to colour this but i totally lost the colour wheel so i took this opportunity to practice my manga style but it sucks so :/

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