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My part of an ongoing art trade with littleluna213 on Tumblr! Love this cat!

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シンプルなベルトが可愛いだよ〜〜!⸜ ♡ ⸝

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Happy birthday ejak!!🌕🌕
//itu yg ejak minum es teh manis,tapi gelasnya kecil//

2 24

happy birthday mas ejak!!
thank you for one of the best vtuber i know and love!
i know this isnt really that good compared to the others fanart but here you go!
hope you have a good bday!

(speedrun drawing this while you stream wkwk)

7 20

happy birthday Reza Avanluna!!🌒☁️✨✨
+16k subs omedetou!!!!💖🎉
here's... a short cover of Mimpi... this is the least i can do to show my appreciation for you qwq)
stay awesome ejak!
piano by

26 156

Simple dulu aja, soalnya pake mouse sambil dengerin bday livenya Ejak ahahaha~

Happy Birthday, Ejak! Wish u all the best~ I know this is not much but I hope u like the present~

edit : lupa jepit, lupa jepiT. Astaga saya QAQ

6 21

Happy Birthday...
Kau adalah sebuah cahaya indah di balik langit malam... Menerangi malam hari tanpa lelah bersama kami...


9 32

Me posting while he streaming..
Anyway, happy birthday.. And congrats..

12 33

You're not aging, just upgrading.
Happy birthday to a special person, bringing so much joy to Tamvanluna's heart! 💜
Thank you for existing. Really!!
I wish you never-ending happiness.
Happy birthday Reza Avanluna!

10 40

Obligatory post seperti teman-teman yang bikin fanart hehe. Monggo kalau ada yg mau pakai untuk coret2 muka Kaejak biar makin meriah ya 👁🙏👁

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✨[Special Gift 🌒☁️ (3/2)]✨

Another beautiful free wallpaper for our beloved World Chronicler! It's special I made it just for mas Ejak! 😭💕

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Last minute gift ikz-

Anyways, Happy Birthday Reza! Remember to always stay tamvan~

11 41

Yow numpang ngasi fanart juga yeay
I rarely watch ejak and ain't a tamvanluna👀
But his stream always enjoyable for me tho ✨✨

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Happy birthday Mas Ejak~

Anggaplah sekarang tanggal 29 :D

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