the ruins of alph were creepy af with the radio station and the spooky shenanigans unown would get into

day 17: a spooky place

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There are A LOT of DTIYS that I still want to do, but let's start with this one from @ lemonju .art on Insta! The third pic is their original drawing.
Speed Paint!

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shopping at goldenrod’s department store suffices when one doesn’t yet have enough badges to warrant flying to celadon city~

day 16: shopping

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may we all find ourselves nestled against a giant furret reading leisurely with a coconut drink

day 15: vacation

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you cant tell but those are all the tail-less slowpokes i saved from the azalea town slowpoke well 😤

day 12: villains in your way

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i dont actually know who i wouldve lost to in johto? maybe clair? i just wanted an excuse to draw nurse chanseys really

day 11: a lost battle

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furrets really were my preferred hm slaves in gen 2! i also figure a life vest and a safety tie would be a good idea when surfing with pokemon. i tried to make the white areas holo but.... lolol

day 9: in the sea

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when i first started this i was reluctant to draw other humans but i love the npcs in johto so i figured why not

day 8: vs gym leader whitney and her miltank

i love nidoran line so much so ofc i have a nidorina!!!

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today i just doodled for hours on end so i got a lot of prompts done!

day 7: a legendary pokemon
(but i didnt feel like drawing lugia lmao)

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bc if 2020 wont let me travel at least i can go on journeys in johto with pokemon :’)

day 5: first battle
day 6: dangerous stuation

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For Sky5589, riogahoole, PixelDust, and LemonJuice

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Dejo por aqui mi ultimo dibujo terminado del o deberia decir ?

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My name is Lemonjuiceday and I'm an illustrator from Paris 💙🌿I love drawing places, monsters and stars🌟

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Hello !
My name is Lemonjuiceday and I'm an illustrator from Paris 💙💙💙 I love drawing places, monsters and stars ✨🌟💫

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Day 8 of Demon June over on Instagram. Prompt was Planets and Stars.

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