28 The kinda Love witch, my MC Alicia Sterling, so here’s some small Lore which is my fave, first off she’s not really a love witch more a universal witch that uses

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Day 28 of is Alien. Synthea is from the planet Viola and is the charismatic leader of the Cosmic Cadets.

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Day 27: Undead. Rather free-form day I wanted to do a Half-Skull and I think I pulled it off!

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Draknar, the god of the creatures, maybe he has hope on something, still.🤔

This music it's called "Draknar's Hope".

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This is a RQ (request) art from DA (deviantart).
You guys think this looks scary, but I think this looks scary and cool.

Ochako by ©My Hero Academia

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26 a fae, a mean one at that. If she wants to she’ll do things like steal babies exchange them with a stick on your doorstep and do it every year on the babies bday

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I was lazy again, Day 25: Sphinx! I couldn't really think of how to do her full body, so Chibi time.

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25 a lovely red Moth Lady✨ I made the Mothcape I designed a few months back into her wings just some color difference to match her looks

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Day 24: Witch! A friend pointed out I don't use pink much... So... Time for Pink! TIME FOR SO MUCH PINK!

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24 a dwagon. Originally I wanted to make him another Arch duke but I drifted off my mind went bye bye on that one, so I made him more aggressive that’s hot

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Day 24 of is Octomaid. Adriana is known as the Deep Sea Diva, enthralling admires with her charm and wit.

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Monstertober day 23: Undine! I went, super extra on this one. I wanted to do my own kinda "What if I had to make a water summon" thing. And here she is!

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23 with the Witch of death, she works with deities like Thanatos and The Morrigan some even say that she’s an immortal woman that doesn’t have eyes

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22 the doll maker and her Doll Lover she made of her former human lovers brain and heart so that they both can live together for eternity, he just needs to learn emotions

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I'm... not good with drawing animals, so I phoned this one in. Monstertober Day 22: Werewolf

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Day 22 of is Doll. Gretchen, along with her two sisters, are part of a cursed circus and preform as life sized porcelain ballerinas.

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Day 21: Harpy! I wanted to do a little baby owl Harpy, so have a babbean. Today was a bit of a lazy day, didn't have as much energy.

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