My druid Basham, restoration since 2007 and healing like a champ. He makes time to help members of BOTH factions if need be. (Art by )

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My I would love long turquoise hair like Fellmina 💚💙

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okokok i know its mains but my alt addict ass couldn't settle so here are my top 3 girls 😅💖 *this was a hard enough choice as is*

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Because told me to do it, here we go with a

(Artists of main are and respectively)

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Wellp there's a bandwagon let's jump on!

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I love seeing everyone else’s, here’s my 🌙

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apparently this is what we're doing today

My main boy Gilneah and me, the dude with the bathroom with tiles gone EVERYWHERE.

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Welp get you go. Apparently I haven't drawn my main in a long time set his is a year old art

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Going with my WoW main! We really don't have much in common😂

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Seeing this thingy going around and since I don't like doing them selfies often I'd thought i'd throw up the pic when I went to blizzcon and also my main Hou

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- Esme vs esME 🤓💖 (ft. beautiful art by btw, go support them if you haven't already.)

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