Color flats Olave ssg vs Maiz ssj4

Dragonball Generations Commission

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Old art, but I think they’re cute :)

(Maiz is Arel’s older sister :O)

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Adi Usurbildarrok!
Urriak 22an, 19:00etan, Sutegi liburutegian, Yurre Ugarte eta bion Joana Maiz komikia izango dugu mintzagai.
Komikiak jada eskuragarri dituzte Liburutegian; saioan parte hartzeko aldez aurretik izena eman behar da Liburutegian bertan. Animatu!

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Was asked to make my FFCC OC so that I can draw her in caravans with others OCs. Meet Elli! Now to get some comfy scenes going, I am looking at your Yuke >:D and someone's (I don't know if they have twitter) Lilly names Maiz who I must love cherish and protect.

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tipo eu sei que eu sou assexual MAIZ eu ainda to me descobrindo Ok, e tem vezes q eu fico num canto la quietinha na minha pensando:

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REINTRODUCING, MAIZ. Planet Sadala’s lead scientist and Okora’s sister. Join on the fun with Maiz and Okora with some life lessons and some science, wait... DABURA!? What does he plan, idk go read when it drops. First chapter is in progress 😳

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I have 4! These are old drawings, but this is what they look like☺️✨

The first two are named Viritone and Maiz, and I haven’t named the last two yet. I am not a big fan of those two. If I’m being honest, I might scrap them😅

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(1/2)WITHERED ROSÉ: the exclusive transformarion to okora.
Full name: Withered Super Saiyan Rosé
How was it obtained? The same chemical his sister, Maiz, used on herself but suddenly its a whole different effect.

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My take on Meli from this bitchin' awesome comic, "MAiZ" created by this cool artist dude,

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Maiz appreciation post too. I love drawing her, but sometimes I hate how complicated I made her armor

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MAiZ edition! Most pages go through a process of thumbnail, rough and then ink/colour/final.

For the next chapter, thinking of going back to black and white to help save time, and only use colour for specific moments (like in the original chapters!)

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Here’s Maiz! she’s my least popular ocs but she’s one of my favorites

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⚠️Enamorados y enamoradas, recordad que hoy víspera de estaremos en el taller hasta las 20.30h 😉 tenemos camisetas que son puro amor ♥️

✏️Ilustración extraída del Facebook "Fanfics Ranma x Akane"

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💙💕Here’s all my OCs!💕💙
Viritone, Maiz, and the Nameless Brothers!

I hope y’all don’t mind if I draw them more frequently, I really like making art for them😊

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I saw someone I follow do this, and I thought I’d use it for my OCs😅

I got Maiz and Viritone

And then the two nameless bros, one of which I haven’t even finished his art for but I already love him

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The only “lore” I have is Maiz is evil and Viritone works for her, and I wanted him to betray her in some way.

And then I dunno what to do for this other guy

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📚 «Joana Maiz», Yurre Ugarte eta Joseba Larratxe () egileen presentziarekin.
📌|k gidatuko du solasaldia
📆 Urtarrilak 14, ASTEARTEA ⌚ 19:00
🏠Intxaurrondo K. E.

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Blogean, "Joana Maiz" komikiaren egileei Kike Infame adituak egindako elkarrizketa

Yurre Ugarte eta Joseba Larratxe: "Komikiaren medioak eskaintzen dituen aukera ezberdinez baliatu eta gozatu dugu, askatasunez"

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