pretty quick doodle of a concept i thought of a few days back along with my gf but

failed experimental 21 clone. stuck between being human and majin, and with no memories of anything before becoming an android.

will deem her…21b.

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“Ah! That Majin, why did she?! Oh, no! She’s coming this way! We’ll talk later Nobu!”

Is now running in fear

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Here's something I've wanted to do for a while, Good Android 21 from dressed up as Shahra from Sonic and the Secret Rings, cuz, Genie, Majin, yknow

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He was back to perfect in Neko Majin, then LONG LEGS again

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Well, because he is Majin, I wanted to create creepy atmosphere

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In one of Yuuko's side missions, she was defeated by opponents who used magic. When Yuuko returned to Conton City, she sought out Helios and explained what happened to her. So Heilos suggested that she talk to Vanille, a powerful White Witch Majin, to help solve this problem.

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“Perfect. Now then, Majin, I’m arresting you under charges of being too cute and wholesome.”

“You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against— AGH, you’re so cute!!”

Hugs Majin tightly

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“Why must I always die to those I rival?! First Musashi, then Okita, Majin, and now Nero?! Who’s next? Lakshmibai?!”

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“Your stubbornness is a hassle.”

Lowering her blade from Taōki’s neck, Z turned away.

“Master, I’m nothing more than a evil clone of X. If it’s a protector you want, you’ll find better hope with Majin, X or Okita herself. Our contract is pointless...”

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“Majin, you must understand. This will only benefit Taōki the most.”

Her blade remained against her neck.

“If I consume a majority of her mana supply, weakening her for my own selfish goals, it’s pointless to continue this contract.”

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More adopts like I promised! DM me if you're interested! A saiyan, majin, and some neo tuffles!

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“H-Hold on! Don’t be hasty, I still don’t know if she’s truly lost her ability to fight or her purpose.”

“Earlier, Okita upset Majin, but before Okita could apologize, Majin ran away. We suspect she returned to the void.”

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“That’s easier said than done. Then again, this entire process was too easy. Okita literally sacrificed her vessel to become an equal to Majin.”

“I wonder if her blade also became a purgatory blade. Our mission is to visit Majin, but I’m not sure if Okita can even fight.”

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Comin at ya with ' majin, Hatter! she's a goof and pretty willing to let you just laugh at you til you push her to the last face ... then it's all ogre for you.

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Commission I gotten from that I had colored in. Chammile spending time with his majin, Deus :D

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Another fusion from yesterday was a merger between the saiyan, Asuki and the majin, Sukia! This one was done for

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finished a comm over on my main account of ' Majin, Sylvia. Since she's got such an expression I figured it'd be a good idea to post it over here too lol

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