Y’all seent that movie Malignant? 👉🏼👈🏼

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Yo! I'm lunatic, a self-taught "designer" and I make album art, posters and malignant pictures in general. Oh and I also make music lmao

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Harvey Dent, após ter metade de seu corpo desfigurado, desenvolveu uma dupla personalidade maligna. Atualmente é um cultista chamado de Duas Caras, suas decisões são feitas com base numa moeda com um lado queimado.

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Experimentei um visual para o mito brasileiro do Besta-Fera? E não, não falo do Bolsonaro, e sim de uma criatura maligna que lembra um centauro e que anda apoiada nas patas traseiras

Mais: https://t.co/jZmrnH1RK2

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Male leads de cabelo longo branco até agr tem apenas dois tipo : sexy depressiva e a vadia maligna

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Versão maligna dela… não que ela seja boa pessoa, mas ela poderia ser muito, mas MUITO PIOR

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Malignant computing

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can someone cute be scary at all?🥺

i wanna tag

aaand for movie i wanna say Malignant from 2021 it honestly surprised me how much i enjoyed it

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Ano 998:

- A ameaça de Mira é revelada. Piccolo, com a ajuda de Dende, reúne forças para impedir a invasão de Mira.

- A pedido de Dende, Piccolo inicia investigações sobre as várias organizações Malignas (incluindo o exército de Mira).

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Meet Malvaditto, the Malignant
This Negative Species of can be found all over Megalo, constantly disrupting trainer battles, even the official ones! They can't transform, but they're able to copy any foe Pokémon's stats.

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Pixies are perhaps the most famous of all fairies, they look like beautiful adults but are the height of children and have colorful wings. Pixies are insufferable pranksters, but are still mostly benevolent and usually protect humans more malignant fae.

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His spirit becomes more brutal after the"Malignant" mspell and the whole people of Snowdin hate him. Instead, they put Sans and Papyrus in charge but they were comfortable with them because they only gave orders in emergencies.

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Suena muy interesante!
Dejo a mí OC Yukashi ^w^
su historia aún la ando desarrollando
Pero lo que tengo es que es un chico de 21 años que a pesar de trabajar en una organización maligna, el no se entera de nada y no piensa nada malo

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Maybe you’re just a paranoid malignant narcissist who thinks everything is about you.

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There are two that you can tell about yourself. One is about your outward being and the other is inward being.
your own truth, you might see what a distasteful illusion, one really is compared to the other.

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cursed gabriel malignant wip

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