Summertime ✨
Там должен был быть косяк, но мы живём без косяков так что 😔✊

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2 best pals-slash-brothers trying to stop their angy dragon dad figure from wrecking Devs' HQ for not including Artichokson on their new line of T-shirts. 🌟💦

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"What can say sat except you're welcome"🎶

Sorry I wanted to make a moana reference here, I know it's not perfect but this is my first time drawing ananas's human form

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Perfect day to canoe off the coast of this sunny island together with 🥭🚣‍♂️🏖

日光に浴びたキラキラ島から、#マンゴー味クッキー と一緒にカヌーで出かけよう!🥭🚣‍♂️🏖

햇빛에 받았다 반짝반짝 섬에서 와함께 카누로 나가자! 🥭🚣‍♂️🏖

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