El Baobab es el símbolo nacional del país ¿De que país se trata? Opciones: 👍 Sudán 👏 Australia ❤️ Madagascar


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many rounds of mapping and two times we got to the end on zahavi's luck!!!! and i finally got the last feather for the mount, yahoo!

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Gradient mapping and using iconic fonts or gimmicks in my art tends to help my portfolio contextually sound, but the kinds of pens or brushes I use always changes! I like to have a trademark (canvas border/eye shapes) in my art so they always know it's me!

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Been working onto some stuff lately. Of course ringslinger cause I'm an ellitist lol. Also I'm a Ringslinger Neo enjoyer. Thank you

Project affiliated with

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En este país está la mítica Troya ¿De que país se trata? Opciones: 👍 Turquía 👏 Grecia ❤️ Irán


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Santa Claus nació allí ¿De que país se trata? Opciones: 👍 Turquía 👏 Laponia ❤️ Polo Norte


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Alberga un gran legado de arte románico rural ¿De que país se trata? Opciones: 👍 Vaticano 👏 Andorra ❤️ China


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8 enero, Jordania Único país de Oriente Medio que no tiene Petróleo y donde se encuentra la majestuosa ciudad de Petra


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En este país se encuentra la majestuosa ciudad de Petra ¿De que país se trata? Opciones: 👍 Líbano 👏 Jordania ❤️ Irak


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2 vuelos semanales unen este país con la civilización ¿De que país se trata? Opciones: 👍 Nueva Zelanda 👏 Antártica ❤️ Niue


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Same palette, two different approaches to colour mapping. The first is based on the distance to the colour in sRGB space, while the second image attempts to account for perceptual brightness (Luma) between colours. Works great for limited palettes where hue is not that important!

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2/10)I came from a background of 8 years as a multidisciplinary Artist, i work with several mediums like Audio design,generative Design and visual mapping, painting and 3D visual’s, in my works i try to find a way to combine all of this mediums in serve of my concept

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Mapping constellations🏕️🌟

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Ak selalu kemusuhan mapping shade rambut😔

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Escritor y autor de “El libro de la Selva” ¿Quién es? Opciones: 👍 Walt Disney 👏 Rudyard Kipling ❤️ Wilhelm Grimm

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I gotta say that it's been fun playing with for projection mapping. Just to explore and understand the use cases for the tech.

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Padahal habis mapping shadow sm lighting tu ngerender, suka lupa alhasil jd detail bener ini mappingny🥹

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nskytnt/fbanime-gan の mappingパラメータで

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人生初のライブペインティングをしました!!projection mappingとDJに合わせて、思いつくままに。途中から3人ほど合流し、完成を迎えました。

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