【イベントストーリー】Merry, Xmas! Mr. Blooming

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Ahoy Mateys, It's time for your Empress to set sail, but we no longer require The Little Empress, we start our new journey on The Going Merry, spreading our weeb and vtuber ways across sea of thieves.

Care to join our crew? Live link below 👇

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【イベントストーリー】Merry, Xmas! Mr. Blooming

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Merry, by , threatening a truly rustic beating

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I turned the hobbits Frodo,Sam,Merry,and Pippin into fuwakororin plushies and heres what they gonna look like if they have a fuwakororin design! ^w^

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Merry,little dog,but breaking dances well🥳🥳🥳🥳
【【MerryWeather/手书】Merry,小狗,但是地面技术很好-哔哩哔哩】 https://t.co/3gDa7I8fLp

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Merry, our beloved dog, the panda sisters comissioned this wiggle gif for you and we want to present it to you! Thank you for everyone on the list for making the project comes true!! Thank you for the amazing illustration!

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I am issuing it on behalf of

I will go to school in a few days.😭This is the last painting before school starts. Hope you like it.I know the saying "I love you" has been said many times, but I still want to say it!Merry, I love you!!!kisskiss!❤️❤️❤️

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Chuchuchuchu,Love you, Merry!😘😘😘😘

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【イベントストーリー】Merry, Xmas! Mr. Blooming

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merry ,cute

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恭喜merry在blibli有了80,000粉丝!!!(这是我第一次画画,画的不好请原谅我,我会努力提高我的画技)恭喜merry,以后路还很长,我们陪你一起走,jeg elsker big!💞💓💗💕

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【イベントストーリー】Merry, Xmas! Mr. Blooming

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Hey merry,you give me a happy night! Happy qi xi!!!you are sou cute!
Looooooove you!!!chu<3😘😘😘😘

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Merry,I love you❤

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I tried to paint merry with my finger. it was really bad. there was a watermark on the tail.

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【Merry,Xmas! Mr.Blooming】Episode 10

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Hello Merry, always be cheerful and lively. Also keep safe and have fun.😊❤️

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