gained cross-border fame in 2015 after the Mexican took on then presidential candidate Donald Trump in defense of & Now, after the Rodriguez vows to keep telling their stories.

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Our first day of four on our annual Spring pilgrimage to Alderney, Channel Islands did not disappoint with a Black Kite, a flock of eight Ring Ouzels, a male Pied Flycatcher and a Wryneck amongst other more common migrants.

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Day 704: In which this gang of shitbirds wrap up another year waging a war on Christmas. And immigrants. Mostly immigrants.

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Hey everyone! I'm Koros (though I go by Sorok17 on some websites) and I'm a 3D character artist that mainly models furries. Lately I've had a focus on pokemon and sonic characters, but I do also make regular anthros, and humans! I'm part of

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Hey, everyone. I'm Blue. I make erotic work and I'm one of the

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hey! i'm doing character commissions in exchange for $50+ donations to the fianza fund (, which posts bond for detained migrants. 4 slots to start, they'll look like these!

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Xavier Bonilla
Grphic humorist and Ecuadorian political cartoonist.

💎 Refugees & migrants.

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I've got spring fever, and the only prescription is more neotropical migrants. A few of my faves.
Black-and-White Warbler
Great Crested Flycatcher
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Blue-headed Vireo
Each original watercolor painting is 9"X9" & $89.

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Trump and his administration’s continued battle with immigrants. An illustration for The Indypendent.

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Lenore "Lee" Born this day in 1908 An abstract expressionist painter. Her parents were Russian-Jewish immigrants. She was a strong influence on Jackson whom she married in 1945

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The ancient sport of Kipper Slapping will apparently form part of the new Britishness test for immigrants... Today's cartoon.

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The exhibition is both disturbing & unearthly. It showcases the inhumane treatment and isolation of migrants. Images Richard Mosse, Getty

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USA is strong because of generation after generation of immigrants.
We all are inmmigrants.

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"Rescue boats? I'd use gunships to stop migrants." They were using gunships hundreds of years ago

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