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Johann’s movie look comparison & concept art by Sandoval. We watch Hellboy 2: The Golden Army on this week’s podcast!🍿 #hellboybookclub #hellboy #mikemignola #duncanfegredo #guillermodeltoro #jamesdodd #johnalexander #sethmcfarlane #johannkrauss #sergiosandoval #spectralmotion
Right Hand of Doom Boom #53! We discuss “Hellboy Animated: The Menagerie,” on our latest podcast! LINK IN BIO! #hellboybookclub #podcast #hellboy #mikemignola #hellboyanimated #ricklacy #michellemadsen #jasonhall #natepiekos #righthandofdoomboom
Art by Tad Stones and Michelle Madsen🔥We discuss “Hellboy Animated: The Menace of the Mechanical Monsters,” on our latest podcast! LINK IN BIO! #hellboybookclub #podcast #hellboy #mikemignola #hellboyanimated #tadstones #michellemadsen #natepiekos
Hellboy In Hell :The Golem (Homunculus ?) Walks Among Us! :D
Tribute to Hellboy,BPRD:The Devil You Know & Baltimore:The Red Kingdom.#Hellboy #BPRD #Ragnarok #TheDevilYouKnow #Roger #Witchfinder #TheMagicianAndTheSnake #MikeMignola #DaveStewart #OjciecRene
Yeti-God! 🔥 Art by Ben Stenbeck! 🔥We discuss “Hellboy Animated: The Yearning,” on our latest podcast! LINK IN BIO! #hellboybookclub #podcast #hellboy #mikemignola #hellboyanimated #benstenbeck #jimpascoe #natepiekos
Lil Hellboy is adorable! We discuss “Hellboy Animated: Pyramid of Death,” on our latest podcast! LINK IN BIO! #hellboybookclub #podcast #hellboy #mikemignola #hellboyanimated #fabiolaguna #michelleladsen #tadstones
Right Hand of Doom BOOM #52 We discuss “Hellboy Animated: Pyramid of Death,” on our latest podcast! LINK IN BIO! #hellboybookclub #podcast #hellboy #mikemignola #hellboyanimated #fabiolaguna #michelleladsen #tadstones #righthandofdoomboom
Hellboy can’t be hurt by these ghosts. We discuss “Hellboy Animated: Phantom Limbs,” on our latest podcast! LINK IN BIO! #hellboybookclub #podcast #hellboy #mikemignola #hellboyanimated #ricklacy #michelleladsen #jimpascoe
Right Hand of Doom BOOM #51 We discuss “Hellboy Animated: Phantom Limbs,” on our latest podcast! LINK IN BIO! #hellboybookclub #podcast #hellboy #mikemignola #hellboyanimated #ricklacy #michelleladsen #jimpascoe #righthandofdoomboom
Why Mike Mignola is so great!
This was short demo based on Mike Mignolas drawing of hellboy, showing how form is best described with only two value. Adding midtones made this painting :D
#mikemignola #hellboy #digitalart #digitalartist #2dart #2dartist #comicart
New Episode Today!
We comment on “Hellboy Animated: Sword of Storms,” on this week’s podcast! 🍿Art by Galloway! #hellboybookclub #podcast #hellboy #mikemignola #tadstones #philweinstein #ronperlman #seangalloway
The director said he only got one good shot. 🎥 We discuss “Hellboy vs. Lobster Johnson: The Ring of Death,” on our latest podcast!
#hellboybookclub #podcast #hellboy #mikemignola #chrisroberson #mikenorton #davestewart #paulgrist #billcrabtree
New Episode Today!
We discuss “Hellboy and the B.P.R.D. 1956,” on this week’s podcast! Cover by Dave Johnson!
#hellboybookclub #podcast #hellboy #mikemignola #chrisroberson #davejohnson #davestewart #yishanli #mikenorton #michaelavonoeming
Nice callback to this photo from “Hellboy and the B.P.R.D. 1952!” 📸🔥 We discuss “Hellboy and the B.P.R.D. 1956,” on our latest podcast! LINK IN BIO!
#hellboybookclub #podcast #hellboy #mikemignola #chrisroberson #davestewart #yishanli #alexmaleev #varvara
Varvara’s meetings look interesting 🔥 We discuss “Hellboy and the B.P.R.D. 1956,” on this week’s podcast! LINK IN BIO!
#hellboybookclub #podcast #hellboy #mikemignola #chrisroberson #davestewart #michaelavonoeming #petersnejbjerg
New Episode Today!
We discuss “Hellboy and the B.P.R.D. 1955-1956,” on this week’s podcast! Cover by Rivera!
#hellboybookclub #podcast #hellboy #mikemignola #chrisroberson #davestewart #paolorivera #yishanli #mikenorton #michaelavonoeming
⚡️ Shocking⚡️ We discuss “Hellboy and the B.P.R.D. 1955,” on this week’s podcast! LINK IN BIO!
#hellboybookclub #podcast #hellboy #mikemignola #chrisroberson #davestewart #brianchurilla
Right Hand of Doom BOOM #50! We discuss “Hellboy and the B.P.R.D. 1955,” on this week’s podcast! LINK IN BIO!
#hellboybookclub #podcast #hellboy #mikemignola #chrisroberson #davestewart #brianchurilla #righthandofdoomboom
For a series that takes place in the 1950s, the commentary is too relevant. We discuss “Hellboy and the B.P.R.D. 1955,” on this week’s podcast! LINK IN BIO!
#hellboybookclub #podcast #hellboy #mikemignola #chrisroberson #davestewart #shawnmartinbrough