Heyo whatsup! Pink skep was hella fun to draw woooot i love the colors! Also blue skep skin debut, i got the movement and the anatomy kinda right, so win for me!
Btw pink skep is bluwushing?? Or laughing?? Take ur pick my dudes hahahaha

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I haven't drawn bbh's full skin yet so here's his debut!!! I absolutely loved 's design of goodboyhalo and I really just had to do this 😭😭!! This took me 5 hrs wth, but i absolutely loved every second of this tho 🥺💖💖

1 20

YALLL POGCHAMP TO OUR 2 BOIS FOR REACHING THEIR MILESTONES!! 1 mil!! 4 mil yal!!! Congrats, you deserve all the love and attention with all the efforts you make in your videos!! 💖💖💖

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TBH I KINDA SIMP FOR NIGHTMARE HERE YALL LMAAAO!! I really really helllaaa a enjoyed drawing him!! The edge lord to dream's cheeky babby!

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Wanted to chill a bit with the lighting today and just focused on the more illustrative part :D! Kinda enjoyed redrawing 's dtiys, the bois are absolute cuties!

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Here's Samurai from 's dtiys! I really planned to make george aku but uh was too lazy, so have the iconic samurai jack eyes instead!

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I drew some fan favorites featuring Jshlatt, Spifey, and Technoblade.

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Enderlox art collab with Jordan from Instagram! They sketched, I did the lineart, they colored, and I shaded!

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