shunsuke yoshino and yuu mizuno 🌸

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柔道日本代表選手を長年に渡りサポートしているミズノ株式会社様( )とのコラボレーションNFTアートがリリースされました!


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Aoharu-sou e youkoso - chapitre 1

Le nouveau manga de Minami Mizuno démarre vraiment bien ! La bande de garçons est marrante et me plaît bien, surtout le héros Hinata !!

Je sens qu'on aura une belle histoire sur l'amitié. A voir comment sera intégrée la romance 👀

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A3! Home Screen Lines - Mizuno's Birthday 2023

Note: Mizuno's birthday was on February 19th, but the team forgot to add his lines until two days later, and I'm only getting to them now 🙇‍♂️

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Late but happy birthday mizuno ! 🥺🎉

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Minami Mizuno () estrena 'Aoharu-sou e Youkoso' en la Betsuma de marzo. Las idas y venidas de un grupo de estudiantes que viven en la misma casa compartida.

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Kitty!Mai + kitten!Sachi ❤
Sachi is owned by hoshimizuno @ insta

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Do you remember Nijiiro Days? Well, its author Mizuno Minami will start another romance with 5 male main characters in a boarding school!

The series its called "Aoharu-sou e youkoso" and will debut on Bessatsu Margaret issue 3/2023, i want to read this already 💙

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Aoharu-sou e youkoso (アオハル荘へようこそ)
by MIZUNO Minami (2023)

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More CSS! Episode 26 falls into the capable hands of Kazunori Mizuno [水野和則], whose slow-burning Direction is well suited for the newly established veil of mystery surrounding Mizuki, while Jun'ichi Sakata's [坂田純一] Storyboard carries the fun setpieces in the maze!

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10. Speaking of @/MizunoNeo, Goemon originally thought that her ears and tail were fake. He made it a mission to 'remove' them until he got a rude awakening. (And a dirt nap)

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