thinkin bout tradd moore’s linework

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Whew, child/chile the ghetto. The ghetto. The ghetto. Nene Leakes visiting Kenya Moore’s apartment on real housewives of Atlanta reaction video meme

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Drew Imogen Heap for on instagram in a kinda cartoon saloon style cause I love Tomm Moore’s art

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July weather ruled by Sirius & madness of the Dog Days:

"King Sol has now got Sirius for his page:
Some heads go wrong & others madly rage
Which robs them of Reason, Wealth & Time,
Oft Murder too – yet most wink at the Crime"
(Moore’s Almanac 1752)

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Thor (2018)
Young Thor spends too much time in Midgard for Odin’s liking. Writer Jason Aaron does masterful work in a singular tale of Thor, Odin and Loki. Tony Moore’s fantastic meticulous style is perfect for this tale. 5/5

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Henry Moore exhibition beautifully done, linking the armor collection visually showing his direct inspiration. Elegant and impactful - it’s really changed how I see Moore’s work. The impact of the two world wars was also painfully evident in style, beautiful.

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2 January. The Eighth Day of Christmas. Guard your health:
‘Cold may turn to violent Fevers even at this time of the year, and send some to the Shades... and an eminent Lady is afflicted with much Sorrow, if not Death.’ (Moore’s Almanac, 1801)

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"Moore’s richly detailed book is an engrossing love letter to a work, an attitude and a ship: it is an endeavour that honours Endeavour, without denying the death and destruction that followed in her wake" Ruth Scurr, Guardian. Book now to meet the author:

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Treasure hunt! fun spotting British mid-century modernists in Reclining Figure (1962-4) at the

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