"Mite au logis": ce qu'Homère ne nous a jamais raconté...😬

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; In multiple Native American mythologies, Deer Woman appears as a beautiful woman with deer feet or just a deer. She's normally associated with fertility and love, however she is known to take vengeance on men who hurt women and children.

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Omen Comics was founded in 2018 as a blend of mythologies, folklore & classic literature (The Divine Comedy, Paradise Lost & The Book of Enoch) with the paranormal, apocalyptic themes & horror elements.
We're on the store👇

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Also some more minions that serve my character Cyndi(fun fact they are all based off of african mythologies)

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For the first time I'm gonna be doing a non game stream. Instead we will be taking a dive into some odd blokes, cryptids. I'm not a huge believer in this stuff but I've always loved the mythologies and stories that emerge, as well as the designs. JOIN ME

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Depuis mon fakemon hydre de l’herne jai envie de faire une région entière tournée vers la mythologie grecque et l’antiquité/Grèce en général, vous sautez devinez de quoi sont inspirés ces starters ? Bon yen a un jai littéralement donné la réponse lol.

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porte le nom du dieu grec du vent du nord ; il représente une jeune fille secouée par le vent.

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Thank you so much for the chance <3
Ill say nature/mythologies/stars ^w^

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J'adore dessiner des personnages et des dieux / mythologie pour mon projet perso ❤️🥰

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I'm Lily Wood, a storyboard and illustration artist, currently looking for freelance jobs 🌿

I'm mostly inspired by Art Nouveau, women and mythology (especially greek and celtic mythologies) 🌿


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BUT if Kitana is not asian coded character as you say, explain to me why in most of her concept arts she has Asian features and her alternate costumes are all based on Asian mythologies like Jingu, Endless Summer etc.. 🤔

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y'a un truc un peu similaire dans ces deux la
dans la façon qu'ils ont de renverser leur mythologie respective en privant le protagoniste de ce qui fait une partie de leur identité dans leur "série principale"

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des illus sur la base de la mythologie

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Vous baisez qui ?
Mid Ulysse Saint Seiya ❤️ ou Chad Ulysse mythologie🔁
Moi je sais perso... 🥵

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I am firmly convinced that the End of Skypiea Arc is a Foreshadowing of the End of
God (Enel) was defeated by Luffy and Nami.
In many Mythologies, the World is (re)created by Man and Woman, Brother and Sister...
So most likely Luffy and Nami will both destroy God (Im)!

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1/6 Les Argonautes sont un groupe de héros de la mythologie grecque qui partirent de l’actuelle Volos avec Jason à bord du navire Argo pour retrouvé la Toison D’or. En 1995, la poste hellénique leur a rendu hommage avec une série de timbres. Muchas gracias

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or a number of books where he illustrated various mythologies.

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