There were Eldan labs on some of the asteroids, too—either because they needed cleaner and more sterile settings for some of their experiments, or because they just didn't want to deal with other people. Which is a mood.

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The intros and ending sequences for expeditions had great little pulp-style B&W animations and voiceovers.

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A couple of the expeditions (which could be soloed, or done in a group) took you to asteroids in near-Nexus orbit. Fragment Zero was overrun with Skeech; Outpost M-13 was an Aliens-esque infestation. ("Game over, man! Game over!")

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You escaped from Northern Wilds in stolen Dominion ships, not long after a massive tragedy affecting one of the major NPCs.

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Human and Granok characters started in Northern Wilds, which was cold as hell due to an Eldan weather project run amok.

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The Falkrin had villages in Malgrave (and Galeras) in addition to the one in Deradune. And they were assholes everywhere.

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Every MMORPG needs at least one desert region. Malgrave was WildStar's.

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Snooty Artemis Zin apparently would RATHER DIE than be seen in a stolen Exile ship –_–

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The Dominion were a lot like the Systems Alliance with the Exiles being Independents. I've also heard the Dominion compared to "space Romans".

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I mean—yes—the part about the Eldan choosing the Cassians was true. The god stuff, not so much.

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General Kezrek Warbringer, the head of the Dominion military, had a war room in Illium. And lots of scantily-clad huntresses. And probably lots of baby Draken running around the city with an uncanny resemblance to him…

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I enjoyed the air-taxi flights a lot. The holographic cabbie was hilarious (though apparently opinions varied).

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The graphical effects in WS were awesome, especially on a computer that wasn't old and laggy

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One of the ambient pieces of NPC dialogue in Galeras mentioned the windy weather and how fast it made their lips chap. Big mood, my friend, big mood.

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The zone Galeras (adjoining the Exile capital city, Thayd) was the site of the Focus of Air, one of six giant floating techno-doodads the Eldan made to concentrate elemental energies.

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Don't feel bad for the Ikthians. They're assholes, seriously.

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There were also some genuinely scary places on Farside, like the derelict silo that was infested with a swarm of brain-parasites and had no ambient lighting.

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