Nema's family. :)

(Some recent and old arts)

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Sada, šta se da primjetiti kod ovih realističnih oklopa?
Nema štikli, nema golih butina i gaćica, nema sisobrana već su pravi kako treba prsnici u pitanju, nema dekoltea, nema otkrivenih stomaka, nema...oh wait, it's girls wearing armor that will ACTUALLY protect them.

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When I see one of the drawings and notice that it matches a lot with something I did with Nema, I can only think about this interaction between the two. XDDD

3 20

Nema: I will say. Now I'm going to enjoy my free time with him, if you know what I mean. ^^

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Because they liked the sketch I decided to finish it. It was actually a good painting training. :)

In a way it also serves to cheer up a little who likes Nema.

I appreciate all the feedback I've been receiving. It motivates me a lot. ^^


4 18

Vent Art

The true introduction of Nema, the adopted daughter of the demon and his "wholesome" response to her mother.

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Also, Mr. Tode has a brother named Nema.
Nema's thing is that his head is detachable!
He uses this to harass his brother mercilessly, and as a party trick.

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-What a beautiful afternoon! It’s perfect for training a little. -After taking off the shirt Son Pan stretches quickly for a quick workout with his “older sister” Nema San.

I don't have much to say, they are just arts from my version of Pan that I did a while ago. :)


3 11

Thanks. well, if you haven’t seen the adult Nema here she is. ^^

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Well, I think that even if you know a little about my history or about Nema, you probably don't know that she is Pan, they are like sisters. :)

For the first drawing of the year, I ended up choosing to make an art that I wanted to do for a long time. ^^

9 28

-Please stop it. I can't resist it and you know it. -Uub says red as a bell pepper.

-But what have I done? Nema says confused.

-You always make that cute face when I compliment you! This is mean to me! -Uub says

-Hmmmm? I don't ... -Nema blushes awkwardly.

-This expression...

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-Nema... I can't lose you... –Carefully the boy embraces her.

Sometimes the urge to try to draw something emotional can not be suppressed. ^^'

[Pose ref]

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-We haven't been training together for a while, I'll love to see how much you two have evolved. Show me everything you two have! -Nemari San

I always liked to draw Nema with a background if Sakuras, she loves it and usually looks really cool. :)

[Pose ref]

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Rendered illustration of my main DnD PC, Nema! I love her and she is way more chaotic than her expression would lead you to believe.

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pixivFANBOXのプラン画像、ヘッダーをムラタナナ( )さんに書いてもらいました!新規のNEMAちゃんイラストです!株の所有量が増えるとNEMAちゃんが喜びます。

3 31

I tried my hand at making a simple base again and used it on my panda girl, Nema'ne. (did I name her that or did i get her named that? I can't remember) Either way, the lineart is a little messy but it'll do for now. c:>

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-In the Time Chamber when I asked Nema what a girl like she saw in me she smiled and asked me what I saw in her. Well... -Uub

Behold, you draw something that pleases the eyes. The cotext is up to you. :V :V :V

[Ref pose]

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Eine zweite Figur von heimlicher Liebe war dann noch Nema, die ich zum Thema "Clown" gezeichnet hatte, wie sich später herausstellen sollte, war ihre geheime Superkraft, immun gegen Merdusas Versteinerungsgift zu sein, auch das folgende Bild mag ich sehr:

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Nastavljamo Alterslavia serijal sa novom slikom. Još uvek nema ime, pa slobodno bacite predlog. RT, zaprat i klik na neke linkove veoma pomaže:

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Also I think its safe to post the png version of my NemA
zine contribution <3 It came out differently in the book because I'm not used to CMYK but I still love it so much ❤️❤️❤️

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