✨Noun 안경을 쓴 예언가 소녀가 새 여행자 를 만났습니다!✨

오늘은 Web 3.0에 대한 예언을 할 것 같은 느낌이...?!😮
예언가 소녀와 함께 블록체인 세계를 여행해보아요!


29 40

I loved creating this cat for my cub, Abram! His cat represents his quirky style and love of things that are unique. His cat is set against a background of items that represent his favorite activities, like gaming and rollerskating.

3 24

"Portrait of Fun&GamesNFTClub Get ready for some fun and games. $XLM".

1 6

🥰[Sold OUT]🥰

우와! 판매소식입니다!
에서 전시했던 NFTopia전의
<nemo's vacation>작품이 판매되었습니다!
구매해주셔서 정말 감사합니다!!
제가 너무 늦게 발견한 게 아니길 88)

12 21

🎵리드미컬 JOY(흥) X 온음 컬렉션🎵
스페이스 인터뷰 with 째이🎤

⏰시간 : 8월 15일 밤 10시(한국)
🗣청취 : 트위터()
⌨채팅 : 리드미컬 디스코드


3 9

🎵ONEUM Collection🎵
[3PM X RhythmicaNFT]

Seagull who went to a singing contest with friends🎉
Please cheer for Seagull and friends to win🏆


21 34

Sale Alert 🔥 • Benjamin B. Hernandez bought for 0.01 ETH (12.80 USD) by 0x58eb0c from WorkofARTNFTClub https://t.co/zXu67ZCmdl

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