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Congrats Kobe!!! 🥝✨

Hello everyone, I'm -noia, a beginner digital artist from the Philippines. The first two photos below are my latest works, I hope you guys like it. My fave Filipino food is ✨sinigang✨

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Give a go to this champ, Yolanda De Noia~! :o

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This is Yolanda De Noia! She’s a former luchadora who stepped back from wrestling once getting word that her older brother “passed away.” Now, she’s living with her family to take up the mantle of the mantle of the family business owner~

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THANK U.. the god's name is Noia and it's Pretty Cool

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MET∆NOIA and its pilot, Mirai Kondo! Since DaiXross has been upgraded several times, why not some small upgrade to the pilot?

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DaiXross "MET∆NOIA"!
Final form of OMEGA in a timeline where OMEG∆ and ∆PEX clash. A form where mind and metal melds into an amalgam of soul and steel.
Man i really wanna make a story about these characters!

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🦉👩🏻‍🦱🟢Luz Noceda és una noia humana adolescent de Connecticut que accidentalment ensopega amb un portal a un altre món en lloc d’anar a un camp d’estiu de detenció de menors. Arriba a un arxipèlag conegut com Illes Ardents, format a partir de les restes d’un Tità mort,..

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eu sou noia de tá fazendo tudo numa layer só

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Boh, ho fatto sto disegno così per noia e lo posto solo perché non so quando posterò un'altro disegno visto che ho ripreso a lavorare✌️

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So its been so long that i did a destiny 2 art piece of my oc! So I did Solar Super!

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M'ha sortit la noia dibuixant de Kiki procedeixo a creure en l'horòscop d'ara endavant

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atualmente// futuramente

Já no esquema pra namorar noia

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· Noia jove amb roses - 1924 - Alice Pike Barney

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Sciascia su Savinio: “Dilettante nello scrivere, nel dipingere, nel far musica, nel pensare, nel vivere. Dilettante come Luciano di Samosata. Dilettante come Stendhal […] e lo stendhalismo di Savinio è il rifiuto della noia, il dilettarsi della vita, l’essere dilettanti”.

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