Even without the trail cam, I can tell that the foxes are back. I found these two tennis balls cached at the edge of my wild flower bed down by the compost bins this morning.


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Making a start on the flowers of Bilberry Wood. Heather grows in tussocks on drier ground, cross-leaved heath in damper places.


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A sparrowhawk swoops around the bird feeder, perches in the crab apple for a moment, then flies off without catching anything.


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Pheasant fight They circled, trying to outflank each other then they’d both leap up, sometimes striking out with their feet like a pair of heraldic beasts, then coming back low to the ground.


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These pheasants in Coxley Wood squared up to each other as if it was a Sumo contest, bowing low but simultaneously fluffing out their feathers to look intimidating.


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I’ve added watercolour to the acorns that I drew earlier this month.


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Playing catch up in my sketchbook again from an August trip to Midewin NTP. It's not often I see a Giant Swallowtail butterfly so when I saw this one nectaring on Pasture Thistle, I knew I'd have to include it!

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