Second character: Nelo :3
Nelo is 2 years older to Mira 🦆

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Woooooaw, very cute Nelo!

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Tsum Nelo Angelo vibing

41 133

The more I draw Nelo, the more I think about how similar he looks to Gilgamesh of Fate. You two share the same hairstyle too lol

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Dante new pose!! ✨
The final test of Devil May Cry : Pinnacle of Combat (鬼泣 巔峰之戰)will be on 25, March 2021. I found this from official website “本作故事发生于鬼泣3与鬼泣1之间”So the story takes place between DMC3 and DMC1.

...DMC1 !! 😲Nelo Angelo

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Broken sleep

Dante&Nelo Angelo

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Story Illustrator |

And a wild Slingbees appears! With an atmospheric painterly style, Slingbees will be teaming with an author to portray Vergil’s years after Nelo Angelo in an original story.

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Story Illustrator |

An artist with a flair for characters and darker moods, Shonocondo is a perfect fit for our zine, teaming together with a writer to illustrate an original story of life after Nelo Angelo.

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Good Dads AU returns with the DMC1 Era. Just doodles of Key story point. 12 hours of brainstorming what to draw but only an hour to draw any of it.

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fall of nelo angelo // i played dmc1 after dmc5 and it kinda hit different

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Contributions for can finally be revealed, and what a day to do so! 🖤

We know that Nelo Angelo's armour was found on Fortuna's shores. So... What if there was a not-so-random witness to his arrival?

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*Game and manga parallels*
So that's why V reacted so strongly to Proto Angelo! It reminded him of Vergil being Nelo Angelo!

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2019. D2. Nelo.
Один из весенних снов, где Данте пытается вернуть Вергилия к жизни с помощью Ямато, но взамен должен сам умереть.

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Another animation practice for class! An old character of mine, Nelo! :)

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No.001 NELO(Offo)の


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This is where Trish, made after Kalina Ann with Arkham's guidance (no longer called like that and known as "Nelo Angelo"), comes into play - to get attention of three people responsible for his failure in the past.

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