Still got love for some people I know I’ll never talk to again. -replaceablee

artwork by Sarah Maxwell

907 2647

I hope your heart is well and adventurously beating. -Jova

artwork by Heo Jiseon

908 2065

What you really value is what you miss, not what you have. —Jorge Luis Borges

artist unknown

535 1171

What if Zaveid was actually Xemnas?

3 19

Scooby-Doo has taught us that in the end the monsters were always people. -Unknown

152 367

"Teach me how to gracefully let go of things not meant for me." —Unknown

art: daniele lombardo

1131 1750

“People inspire you, or they drain you — pick them wisely.”
-Hans F. Hansen

art: ladybird1988

319 480